130 years of shochu! an alluring new product from Miyazaki

130 years of shochu! Introducing an alluring new product from Miyazaki Prefecture’s Kuroki Honten, sure to captivate the hearts of shochu fans everywhere.


Shochu, but with 14% alcohol content. A new kind of shochu you can simply chill and enjoy as is, just like wine.

“Q” stands for “Question”, as we question the essence of what shochu should be. “Q” likewise stands for Kyushu “Quality”, and for “Quick” flavor that you can enjoy instantly from the moment you open the bottle. It comes in a stylish bottle which at first glance does not look all that much like shochu. Derived from sweet potato, this shochu has a nuanced citrus-peel taste and a mild scent reminiscent of white peach and lychee for a gentle aromatic accent, for a brand new, never-before seen shochu flavor.


【Kuroki Honten Co. Ltd. Official WebsiteEnglish)】



▼Kuroki Honten

 Company name:Kuroki Honten Co. Ltd.

 Founded in 1885

 Address:776 Kitatakanabe, Takanabe, Koyugun, Miyazaki 884-0002 JAPAN

Hyakunen no Kudoku Shochu Chocolate Bon Bons: Kaiko

The harmonious marriage of established barley shochu brand “Hyakunen no Kudoku” and prestigious Swiss chocolate

 “Kaiko” means a chance encounter. Established shochu brand “hyakunen no kudoku”, manufactured for over 100 years following the same old-fashioned techniques passed down for generations, meets traditional Swiss chocolatier Max Felchlin, with its over 100 years of history, in this marvelous new product brought to you by the artisans at traditional Miyazaki sweets shop Toranoko.


Traditional Sweets Toranoko Online ShopJapanese)】
