Kyushu-Okinawa-Yamaguchi Circuit Route


Itoshima City to Kitakyushu City, Moji Ward

Total travel distance
Elevation gain

This route takes you from Itoshima, and its array of fashionable seaside cafes, to Shikanoshima, where the “King of Na” gold seal was discovered. You will go past the Munakata Taisha Shrine World Heritage Site, beaches and townscapes from a bygone era. Along the way, you can enjoy two trips by boat, one from Hakata to Shikanoshima, and another from Tobata to Wakamatsu.

graph:Itoshima City to Kitakyushu City, Moji Ward
Other Route Information
Strava(External Link) RidewithGPS(External Link)

Route Map

View Point

Break Point