Kyushu-Okinawa-Yamaguchi Circuit Route


Shimonoseki City (Kanmon Pedestrian Tunnel) to Nagato City (Nagato Yumoto Onsen)

Total travel distance
Elevation gain

Start from Shimonoseki, the city of the straits, and make your way to one of Yamaguchi Prefecture’s well-known scenic spots, Tsunoshima Bridge, while gazing out over the Hibiki Sea on your left. You will continue on past Tsunoshima through the beautiful coastal area of the Kita-Nagato Kaigan Quasi-National Park until you arrive at the Nagato Yumoto Onsen.

graph:Shimonoseki City (Kanmon Pedestrian Tunnel) to Nagato City (Nagato Yumoto Onsen)
Other Route Information
Strava(External Link) RidewithGPS(External Link)

Route Map

View Point

Break Point